TSA members area
October QISS 2022
55 Votes
Over the last 3 months, compared with the previous 3 months, Turnover was:
Up: 33%
Same: 56%
Down: 11%
Enquiries were:
Up: 24%
Same: 49%
Down: 27%
Compared to 3 months ago, has your workforce:
Increased: 26%
Remained the same: 65%
Decreased: 9%
Over the next 3 months, do you expect your workforce to:
Increase: 38%
Remain the same: 56%
Decrease: 6%
Do you expect sales over the coming 12 months to:
Increase: 31%
Remain the same: 47%
Decrease: 22%
Is your business currently working at:
Full Capacity: 82%
Below Capacity: 18%
Which issues cause adverse pressure on your business?
Ranked in order – most adverse pressure first:
- Shortage of Skilled Staff
- Low Fees
- Competition
- Late Payment
- Delivery of Product
- Shortage of Orders
- IT Limitations
- Access to funding
- Cost of new equipment
Have you had any survey equipment stolen in the last 3 months?
Yes – and reported to SmartWater: 4%
Yes – and did not report to SmartWater: 2%
No: 94%